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5 arsyet pse hotelit tuaj i nevojitet nje website i mire

5 arsyet pse hotelit tuaj i nevojitet nje website i mire

Websitet ndryshojne nga njeri-tjetri jo vetem nga aspekti i dizajnit grafik dhe funksionaliteteve, por me se shumti nga qellimi per te cilin sherbejne. Disa jane burim informacioni, disa terheqin vemendjen permes dizajnit fantastik dhe imazheve dhe disa te tjera dizenjohen per te shitur produkte. Por cfare qellimi duhet te kete nje website i mire ne fushen e hotelerise ku vete hoteli te siguroje besueshmeri, marredhenie te mira dhe akomodim te rehatshem per klientet e tij?

Me poshte paraqesim 5 sherbimet qe nje website duhet te ofroje.

  • Kanal kryesor komunikimi

Nje website eshte vendi i pare ku klienti kerkon per informacion rreth hotelit. Informacioni eshte i vlefshem ne cdo kohe dhe ne kete menyre, eshte e rendesishme qe ata te jene prezente ne menyre aktive dhe te menaxhojne biznesin ne menyre efektive. Nje website eshte gjithashtu platforma kryesore per komunikimin me klientet. Permes formes se kontaktit, lejohet nje komunikim me i lehte hotel-klient dhe gjithashtu me se shumti ky proces mund te kryhet edhe nga telefoni (nje trend ky ne rritje kohet e fundit).

  • Tipar dallues i hotelit

Si grafika ashtu edhe brendia e permbajtjes, e bejne website-in nje tipar dallues per nje hotel – ai reflekton karakterin dhe ve ne dukje avantazhet e vete hotelit. Per te arritur kete rezultat, ne ne AlbWeb dizenjojme nje website per te lejuar klientin, i cili nuk e ka vizituar asnjehere me pare hotelin, te jete aty virtualisht – te ndjeje atmosferen dhe krejt ambjentet e tij, njesoj sikur te ishte vete fizikisht.

  • Ndertimi i brand-it

Pavaresisht faktit te te qenurit lehtesisht i perdorshem, nje website duhet te jete konkurues sa i perket permbajtjes. Ndaj per te ndertuar brand-in e tij, pervec te tjerave, duhet te behet nje prezantim i mire i  elementeve si: dhomat, restoranti, eventet, ofertat speciale, atraksionet etj. Imazhi i hotelit nuk perfshin vetem ambjentin e dukshem rrethues, por edhe cilesine e sherbimit dhe krijimin e marredhenieve afatgjata me klientin.

  • Burim informacioni

Website i nje hoteli eshte nje burim informacioni si per klientin ashtu edhe per vete hotelin per nje arsye te vetme: qe permbajtja e nje website te jete e vlefshme, ne duhet te sigurojme nje spekter te gjere informacioni i cili nderton imazhin dhe informon rreth hotelit: historiku, atraksionet, restoranti etj. Pervec ketyre, nuk duhet te harrojme edhe optimizimin e permbajtjes – informacion i koncentruar i shoqeruar me imazhet perkatese.

  • Shitjet direkte

Permes website behet e mundur shitja direkte e dhomave apo terheqja ndaj sherbimeve apo ofertave duke rritur ne kete menyre numrin e rezervimeve direkte ne kanalet e rezervimeve online. Nje klient mundet gjithashtu te kerkoje disponibilitetin e dhomes, ofertat speciale apo paketat dhe te beje nje rezervim direkt nga website.


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5 arsyet pse hotelit tuaj i nevojitet nje website i mire

5 reasons why your hotel needs a good website

Websites differ from each other not only in terms of the graphic design and functionalities but most importantly the purposes they serve. Some are a source of information, some attract attention with amazing graphics and images, there are some designed exclusively to sell. What purpose should a good website serve in the hotel industry in which sales relies on trust, good relations and guest loyalty? Below are the 5 purposes a website should serve.


  1. Main communication channel

A website is the first place where Guests look for information about the hotel. The information is available at all times and thus, it is important that they are presented in an attractive way and managed appropriately. A website is also the main platform for communication with the guests. It has to offer forms of contact which users expect but also, or rather first and foremost, users of the mobile site (a growing trend).


  1. Hotel trademark

Both the graphic and text layers make a website the hotel’s trademark provided that it corresponds to the hotel – it reflects the character and highlights the advantages. To achieve such a result, we design a website to allow a guest, who has never visited the hotel before, to be there virtually – feel the atmosphere, discover the character.


  1. Building the brand image

Obviously, apart from being user-friendly (intuitive, simple, clear), a website has to be competitive in terms of content. Thus it is worth to leave some room for to build the brand image, among others, with a presentation of elements such as restaurants, events, special offers, attractions at the hotel, as well as the unique solutions which define the hotel’s character. Nonetheless, the hotel image does not only include the visible but, first and foremost, the quality of the service and the establishment of long-term relations with a guest.

  1. Source of information

A hotel website is a source of information for both guests and a hotel. For one thing – to make a website content worthy, we need to provide a wide range of information which builds the image and informs about the hotel: its history, available attractions, distinctive traits, conference opportunities, restaurant offers, etc. We must not forget about content optimization – a unique content complemented with an image, equally attractive gallery which comprehensively uncovers the hotel offer.

  1. Direct sales

The main task when building a website is effective sales (of rooms, offers, hotel services) and increasing the percentage of direct bookings by connecting an efficient booking engine. A guest may also check room availability, special offers, and packages, and make a booking on from virtually any level of the site.

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