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9 avantazhet e marketingut online

9 avantazhet e marketingut online

Ne periudhen e dixhitalizimit, marketingu eshte jo i kompletuar pa marketingun online. Bizneset e vogla dhe ato qe sapo e fillojne aktivitetin e tyre, zakonisht luftojne per te pasur nje paraqitje online sa me te mire per biznesin e tyre krahasuar kjo me ndermarrjet e medha, Pra, marketingu online, mund te jete pergjigjia e duhur per ta bere biznesin tuaj apo idete e reja te suksesshme. Pasja e nje website-i ne boten e sotme dixhitale te konkurences, eshte nje domosdoshmeri. Lexuesit shpesh i konsiderojne marketingun dhe marketingun online si nje koncept te vetem. Sidoqofte, ato jane dy koncepte te ndryshme. Marketingu eshte thjesht shperndarja e informacionit rreth gjithckaje offline, qofte per nje produkt apo biznes. Nga ana tjeter, marketingu online eshte shperndarja e po te njejtit informacion permes nje mjedisi online. Kjo gjithashtu perfshin marketingun ne mediat sociale, permes emaileve e me tej.

Me poshte paraqesim disa nga avantazhet e marketingut online:

1.Promovimi i biznesit tuaj 24/7

Permes marketingut online ju keni mundesi te promovoni biznesin tuaj ne cdo kohe si edhe te shisni produkte pa kufizime dhe pa asnje barriere gjeografike.

2.Me teper mundesi

Nje biznes me nje prezence online te konsoliduar ka shume perparesi duke krijuar nje identitet te vetin, rritje e popullaritetit dhe nje audience qe e ndjek vazhdimisht. Ndryshe nga marketingu tradicional, ku mundesite jane me te pakta, marketingu online ka me teper mundesi per rritje te metejshme te pozicionit te tij ne treg.

3.Audience e gjere

Permes marketingut online, behet me e lehte pasja e nje audience te gjere. Kur ju dergoni nje mesazh, ky mesazh do t’i shkoje jo vetem audiences qe ju ndjek juve, por gjithashtu dhe atyre qe jane duke kerkuar per dicka te ngjashme. Eshte e rendesishme te mbani parasysh kerkimin e fjaleve kyce per marketingun online.

4.Analizimi i cdo veprimi

Ndryshe nga marketingu tadicional ku bizneset duhet te presin per dite te tera per te analizuar teknikat e tyre me te mira te marketingut dhe promovimit, marketingu online ben te mundur analizimin ne cdo kohe te cdo veprimi. Kjo ndodh pasi kur njerezit fillojne te ndjekin fushaten tuaj te promovimit, ju mund te shihni: trafikun ne website, pelqimet, shperndarjet etj.

5.Mundesi per te mesuar

Marketingu online ndihmon bizneset te qendrojne ne gare. Ne kete menyre, mundesite e ofruara do te rriten jashtezakonisht shume dhe per nje biznes qe kerkon te marri me teper eksperience ne treg, marketingu online eshte zgjidhja e duhur per te nisur nje periudhe te re ne jeten e biznesit tuaj.

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9 avantazhet e marketingut online

9 advantages of online marketing

In the digitization era, marketing is incomplete without online marketing. Small businesses and startups often struggle with having an excellent online presence for their business as compared to the huge corporations. Online marketing could be your answer to make your business or new ideas successful. Having a business website in today’s digital competitive world is a must. However, having an online presence does not simply mean that you need to have a business website. There is more to it, all the requisites need to be fulfilled like online branding techniques and creative brand strategies for online marketing campaigns.

Readers often consider marketing and online marketing as a single concept. However, the two are different from each other. Marketing is simply broadcasting information about anything offline, be it a product or a business. On the other hand, online marketing is broadcasting the same via an online medium. This also entails social media marketing, email marketing and much more.

Here are some benefits of online marketing:

1.Promoting your Business 24/7

One of the many advantages of online marketing is that you can market your business all the time. Online marketing has the advantage of selling and pitching your business or business products/services without any time restrictions or geographical barriers.

2.Growth Opportunities

A business with an established online presence enjoys the perks and benefits of being online, such as building a brand identity, gaining popularity and an audience that follows you. Unlike traditional marketing methods where opportunities lesser, online marketing has tremendous opportunities for growth.

3.Reaching out to Your Audience

It becomes easy to reach out to a wide audience. When you send out a message, you send out a message to the audience that is already following you, along with people who are searching for content you post. It is important to keep in mind keyword research and hashtags while marketing online.

4.Analyzing and Evaluating Every Action

Unlike traditional marketing where businesses have to wait for days to analyze and evaluate their best performing marketing techniques and campaigns, online marketing makes it possible to evaluate every business action taken instantly. This is possible because as and when people start to engage with your campaign, you are able to track insights. These include your reach, traffic to website, likes, shares, etc.

5.Learning Opportunity

Online marketing enables a business, whether a startup or a small business, to stay in the competition. No doubt the journey to be as successful as huge corporations will be difficult. But the opportunity it provides will be huge. For a startup owner, this is an opportunity to experience/explore from the large corporations and make your startup succeed.

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